198 supported media companies match your criteria. View map

Le Courrier des Balkans

Since 1998, the leading French-language media outlet for South-East Europe.

Le Courrier des Balkans


LIES (Italy) stands for Laboratorio dell'inchiesta economica e sociale — The Laboratory for Economic and Social Investigations.


Lighthouse Reports

Lighthouse Reports pioneers collaborative journalism and works with the world’s leading media.

Lighthouse Reports

Lika Club

Lika Club, an independent and European award-winning media outlet from central Croatia, has garnered over 3 million readers from both Croatia and worldwide since its establishment in 2014.

Lika Club

Magma Magazine

Magma is an Italian-based nonprofit organisation dedicated to reporting on the ways climate and environmental crises are impacting the Mediterranean region.

Magma Magazine

Magyar Hang

Magyar Hang is a civic, political-cultural weekly newspaper published in Hungary, founded in 2018 by former employees of the now defunct daily Magyar Nemzet.

Magyar Hang


Founded in 2018, Maldita.es is a leading non-profit foundation and media outlet that fights against misinformation in Spanish and promotes transparency through fact-checking and data journalism techniques.



Marsactu is a local independant online media, based in Marseille.


Mediehuset i Tromsø

Mediehuset iTromsø is a newsroom established in 1898 in Tromsø, Norway.



Mensagem is a community journalism local media based at A Brasileira Café in Chiado district, downtown Lisbon (Portugal).


Mérce is a news, analysis and opinion portal which is a vital institution of Hungarian egalitarian and critical thought, and a crucial gap filler in the Hungarian media scene.

Kettős Mérce Blog Egyesület


Meta.mk is an independent news agency in North Macedonia which produces and distributes original information, news, comments and analyses in Macedonian, English, Albanian and Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian.


The Mediterranean Institute for Investigative Reporting (MIIR) is a non profit organisation that was founded in January 2019 with the aim to enhance the genre of journalism that holds those on power accountable and defends public good.


Mirada Colibrí

Mirada Colibrí is a collective of transmedia and multimedia journalists (Spain).

Mirada Colibrí

Monitorul de Botosani

SC Mediapress is the publisher of Monitorul de Botosani, one of the oldest local Romanian daily newspaper, first edition - 24th of June1995, published in Botosani county.

Monitorul de Botosani


The Märkische Onlinezeitung offers information from Brandenburg (Germany).


Multimedia Radio TV Continente

Media Continente is a communication platform in the digital world.

Naše Broumovsko - NB

The NB website is a regional media outlet (Czechia) that allows to focus on what is happening in the region, often in details that national media omit.

Naše Broumovsko - NB

Netzwerk Recherche

Netzwerk Recherche was founded in 2001. Each year, the organization arranges one of Europe’s largest conferences on investigative journalism.

Netzwerk Recherche e.V.

NextPage Media, s.r.o.

NextPage Media runs the largest Czech finance portal Peníze and it publishes the magazines FINMAG, HEROINE and Football Club, as well as the websites Finmag and Heroine.

NextPage Media, s.r.o.


NIKCENTER is an Ukrainian media project of the Mykolaiv Centre for Investigative Journalism, a non-profit NGO.



Novaja.lv serves the Russian-speaking community in Zemgale (Latvia), providing  content in Russian.


Nowy Łowiczanin

Nowy Łowiczanin, a weekly est. 1990 , Lowiczanin.info – its Internet portal. Independent, totally local enterprise based in Łowicz, central Poland.

Nowy Łowiczanin


Nyugat.hu is the largest Hungarian independent media outlet outside Budapest, and the region.



OKO.press is a modern, independent Polish medium providing a wide audience with reliable journalistic content.



"Okraj" is a new independent media outlet, an investigative and analytical regional editorial office that will not deal with daily news, but rather with the production of complex, contextual articles covering politics, environment, minorities, social issues and more.


Open Eyes Institute

Open Eyes Institute is the training centre of the VersPers Publishing Foundation (The Netherlands).

Open Eyes Institute


openDemocracy is an independent international media platform.



A centre for investigative journalism established in Slovenia to fill a growing void in the media environment of the Adriatic region.


Oštro (Croatia)

Oštro, a center for investigative journalism in the Adriatic region, was launched in Croatia in autumn of 2021. Its sister media, Oštro.si, was founded in March 2018 in Ljubljana. It was formed out of the realization that the space for quality journalism is inexorably shrinking.

Oštro (Croatia)