
BRUSSELS - On Tuesday 1 October we proudly announced Adessium Foundation as new premium donor. A nice opportunity to look back to what we have been doing and ahead at our plans for the coming months. Most importantly for now: we have € 50,000 to distribute in our upcoming round.

In addition to Adessium Foundation, which we recently announced as our new donor, Journalismfund.eu is also being sponsored by Open Society Foundations (OSF), an agreement that was set to end at the end of 2013. For the next three years, Adessium will be funding our cross-border project. Thanks to that new structural funding we will be able to hold more calls, on regular intervals.

The first upcoming call is the 21st of October one, for which we have € 50,000 to distribute. We want to invite all European journalists with good ideas for cross-border projects on European topics to apply for a working grant. Applications have to be submitted via the application form on our website.

Around the time of that first upcoming deadline, we will be able to announce the exact dates for the application round deadlines for the coming three years as well. If you can’t get your application ready in time for October 21: no need to worry, in the coming three years we will have at least two calls per year.

Journalismfund.eu has been stimulating journalists to look across borders ever since it was launched in 2008. Over the course of five years it has made possible the publication of numerous European stories, some of which have had significant political or economic consequences. In the Name of the State, which was published as a trilogy of books, investigated the illegal smuggling of weapons in the different Balkan countries on a massive scale during the Yugoslav Wars. The books were recently translated into Croatian. Another story dealt with the exploitation of Roma in Europe and looked into the complicated criminal network behind the problem, which spans from Bulgaria to France and Germany. Read about all our projects here.

In August 2013 we were thrilled to hear that our founders Brigitte Alfter and Ides Debruyne have been awarded the Prize for the Freedom and Future of the Media 2013. They receive the prize, issued by the Leipziger Medienstiftung, for their work with Journalismfund.eu, thereby helping journalists do “thorough research on European issues without being impeded by national borders”. Brigitte and Ides are in good company, the other laureates including Indian journalist Tongam Rina, British news outlet The Guardian and Glenn Greenwald, the Guardian journalist who was behind the Edward Snowden revelations.

John Bones

The warm Norwegian everyone melted for, has passed away


TRONDHEIM / BRUSSELS - Today is a sad day. Mr. Bones, John Bones (1954-2024), the CEO of Norway's SKUP (one of Europe's oldest Foundation for a Critical and Investigative Press), is no more.