
BRUSSELS - The “Facing the Future” project uncovered the state of facial recognition technology in Europe. MPs in the European Parliament have pressed the Commission for more details on their plans to create facial recognition databases.

At the end of February Euractiv reported on the impact of a Journalismfund-supported European cross-border investigation to uncover the state of facial recognition technology in Europe. MPs in the European Parliament have pressed the Commission for more details on their plans to create facial recognition databases.

The team of journalists from Germany, Spain and the UK unearth the stories behind the development and deployment of facial recognition technologies in the EU. Caitlin Chandler, Zachary Campbell and Chris Jones obtained leaked internal EU documents that reveal law enforcement is lobbying to create a network of national police facial recognition databases.

Read the full story here.

European Parliament wants to know about the Commission's plans to create facial recognition databases (2020)