
PAU - The media is based in the city of Pau in France and it covers the news of the South-West region. It is targeting decision makers, general public, policy makers, economic decision-makers, and association members. 

We would like to upgrade our editorial proposal with new contents such as short videos, podcast, infographics, etc. Same subjects should be accessible in various supports and formats to reach more readers. Also, this new contents could be additional products to sell at our advertisers. We want to give the clearest information possible, to people who don't like to read a long article. To achieve this goal, we need to hire a digital specialist.

Target group

Currently, in the area of Pau which is the biggest city in the Béarn territory, there is only one group of medias. PresseLib' is the only one independant, and free of charge by the way. Our new tools created by the digital specialist will allow us to reach more people being adapted to their ways to consume information in this city.

Goals of the project

Our new tools will allow us to reach more people being adapted to their ways to consume information. We want to give the most clear information possible, to people who don't like to read a long article.

We would like to address a maximum of people in all small cities, and rural villages. This will grow our local community. 

This project must lead to the creation of videos contents, podcasts and infographics available on social medias or on the website. This will help us to upgrade our editorial proposal. Same subjects should be accessible in various supports and formats in order to reach more readers. Also, this new content could be editorial products to sell to our advertisers.

Our new tools created by the digital specialist will allow to reach more people being adapted to their ways to consume information.

Implemented activities 

The main focus of the project was on social media engagement. They needed to recruit someone to take care of the distribution on social networks of all the articles they produced. 

Impact addressing news deserts

They consider that they are the only ones in the region to provide free positive press that highlights the people who make the region move. Their competitors in the regional daily press are in a monopoly situation and therefore an information processing prism that depends a lot on the influence of the commercial advertisers they have. Not to mention the influence of local politicians.



PresseLib’ is a daily media of political and general information. It covers news from Landes, Pyrénées Atlantiques, Hautes-Pyrénées and Gers.

€20.700 allocated on 27/06/2023




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