Only when Corien van Zweden lost her left breast to breast cancer did she delve into the biology and meaning of this intimate part of the body. She discovered that there is no other part of the body with such a multi-faceted course of life as the female breast.
Van Zweden describes the biography of breasts: from the very first moment a girl notices that something is changing, to breast augmentation, breast reduction and breastfeeding until the day that one in seven women diagnoses breast cancer.
Breasts is about a body part that half the world's population has, but about which the majority of people know little. Van Zweden talks about her own life with breasts and lets psychologists, plastic surgeons, sexologists, philosophers and lactation experts speak. In addition, women of all ages and backgrounds share their experiences, emotions and insights.
Title: Borsten (Breasts)
Subtitle: De levensloop van een intiem lichaamsdeel (The course of life of an intimate body part)
Publisher: De Bezige Bij
Number of pages: 240 pp.
Date of publication: 16/05/2019
ISBN: 9789403144801
Language: Dutch
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