
BELGIUM - A six-part documentary series behind the scenes of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences.

This documentary series consists of six episodes: 

1. Life in stone
2. A collection for eternity
3. Another look
4. The searching man
5. A model for nature
6. A never completed theory

Team members

Lennart Stuyck

Lennart Stuyck is a Belgian film producer and director.

Bram Conjaerts

Bram Conjaerts is a Belgian film producer and director.

Maarten Stuyck

Studied History and Journalism and worked five years as photo editor for De Morgen. Since 2014 he's working for the production company Diplodokus.

Maarten Bernaerts

Maarten Bernaerts is a Belgian film producer and director. 

€ 6.500 allocated on 7/04/2017.


Canvas/VRT (Belgian public broadcaster), starting 4/11/2018 (six episodes).

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