
MILAN / BOLOGNA / BARCELONA / DRESDEN – This investigation looked in the climate action plans of leading cities in Italy, Spain and Germany, scrutinising their use of EU funding, and identifying effective solutions for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Urban areas are home to 75% of EU citizens. Globally, cities contribute over 70% of CO2 emissions. In April 2022, the EU launched an ambitious program to support 100 European cities in reaching climate neutrality by 2030.

These selected cities are intended to serve as experimental models, setting an example for all cities to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. However, many are falling behind schedule.  

The team of journalists analysed each city’s Climate Contract drafted by each city and interviewed key public officials and stakeholders. Our findings highlighted that local councils often struggle with lack of adequate public funding, outdated legislation, conflict of powers with other bodies of the state and competing private interests. 

Image: Studio Figure, Milan 2024

Team members

Michele Bertelli

Michele Bertelli is freelance journalist and documentary filmmaker based in Italy.

Michele Bertelli

Elisabetta Tola

Elisabetta Tola is an Italian journalist and science communicator.

Elisabetta Tola

Felix Lill

Felix Lill is a German journalist who has been living in Berlin and Tokyo since 2012 after years in London. 

Felix Lill

Judit Alonso Gonzalbez

Judit Alonso Gonzalbez is a freelance Spanish journalist.

Judit Alonso Gonzalbez journalist
€16,800 allocated on 04/06/2024



  • "Beharrungskräfte in Dresden", Frankfurter Rundschau, 07/01/2025, No 005 jährgang 81, pp. 16-17
  • "Autoparadies Berlin", 14/01/2025, No 011 jährgang 81, pp. 22-23
  • "Mailand muss sanieren", Frankfurter Rundschau, 21/01/2025, No 017 jährgang 81, pp. 16-17
  • "Ciudades europeas en la carrera hacia la decarbonización", Equipamiento y Servicios Municipales, Año 41, 210 cuatro trimestre 2024, pp.132-137


  • Germany
  • Italy
  • Spain

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