To safeguard its firm roots in the European investigative journalism community and as a source of good advice, Journalismfund Europe has an International Advisory Board to turn to. It consists of representatives from associations and centers for investigative journalism and other esteemed individuals in the community. Or they are professional (investigative) journalists who dispose of a strong network in their own country. The Members can no longer apply for a grant in their personal capacity upon appointment.
The task of the Advisory Board consists of:
- guiding the organisation;
- providing advice regarding the selection of jury members;
- spreading calls and other communications;
- feedback on the possible need for support in the journalism community, among others.
The Advisory Board members act as an (informal) international sounding board and further the network in which the organisation operates.
- Leila Bičakčić, is the Director of the Center for Investigative Reporting in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- Tamás Bodoky is a Hungarian journalist and the founder and director of Center for Investigative Journalism in Budapest.
- Nacho Calle is deputy director and head of investigation and data at the Spanish media Público and is president and founding member of the Association of Investigative Journalists (API) of Spain. He has carried out international investigations such as the Panama Papers that received the Pulitzer Prize in 2017.
- Charlotte Clavreul (France) is the Executive Director of Fonds pour une presse libre (the Foundation for Free Press). She also worked on migrant rights at UNHCR and in various NGOs. @Charlotteclavr1
- Rawan Damen (Jordan) is director general of ARIJ, a filmmaker, and media specialist. Rawan Damen has 20 years experience in academic and professional media management, television and digital training. @RawanDamen
- Evert de Vos is a Dutch journalist (De Groene Amsterdammer) and chair of the Dutch-Flemish association of investigative journalists VVOJ. @evertdev
- Jeremy Druker (Czechia) is the Executive Director of Transitions and editor in chief of Transitions magazine. Jeremy is a member of the supervisory board of the Czech Journalism Prizes and has been an Ashoka Fellow since 2010. He also teaches a course on social media at New York University as an adjunct professor. @JeremyDruker
- Nadine Gogu is the director of the Independent Journalism center (IJC), a leading media resource center in Moldova.
- Henrik Grunnet is a senior adviser with the media development organisation International Media Support, working primarily within countries in the Arab World such as Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Yemen. @henrikgrunnet1
- Minna Knus-Galán is a Finnish investigative journalist working for Finnish Public Broadcaster Yle. She was chosen the Finnish Journalist of the Year Award 2014. Minna is a member of ICIJ. @minnaknus
- Nikolaus Koller is Managing Director of the Österreichische Medienakademie. @NikolausKoller
- Remzi Lani is the Executive Director of the Albanian Media Institute. He is founder and first president of the South East Network of Media Centers and Media Institutes, which brings together 15 media institutes and centers from SEE.
- Clotilde Le Coz (France) is an independent journalist and researcher focusing on media development issues, international media ownerhip trends and and their impact on society, She is in charge of developing the Assises Internationales du Journalisme, mainly in the MENA region and Europe. @CloLeCoz
- Dr. Özge Mumcu Aybars is a founding member of the Uğur Mumcu Investigative Journalism Foundation. As a political scientist, she currently sits on the foundation’s executive board and has been the project coordinator of the foundation’s European Commission-funded project on the Dissemination of rights-based journalism through civil society and also a Journalism Platform for local journalists in Turkey. @ozge_mumcu
- Xhelal Neziri is a Macedonian journalist and co-founder of Scoop Macedonia, and member of the Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime. @Xhelal_Neziri
- Andras Petho is a Hungarian journalist and co-founder of Direkt36, a non-profit investigative journalism center based in Budapest. Previously, he had worked at Hungarian news site Origo, the BBC World Service in London, and the investigative unit of The Washington Post.
- Ronja Pilgaard is a prize nominated Danish investigative journalist and chairman of the Foreningen for Undersøgende Journalistik (the Danish Association For Investigative Journalism). @RonjaRebecca
- Tom Sanderson is the Deputy Director of UK-based educational charity, the Centre for Investigative Journalism. He leads on all aspects of the CIJ's training provision and oversees the development of funded projects and initiatives. LinkedIn
- Milica Saric is a prize-winning investigative journalist and the director of the Center for Investigative Journalism of Serbia. @_shariceva
- Ulla Sätereie is Chairman of Föreningen Grävande Journalister (Investigative Reporters in Sweden) and the programme coordinator of MIJ, the international master's programme in investigative journalism at the University of Gothenburg. @ullasatureie
- Maja Sever is a senior reporter at Hrvatska radiotelevizija (HRT), President of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and President of the Trade Union of Croatian Journalists (TUCJ) @SeverMaja
- Chiara Sighele is a staff member of the Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa (OBCT) and one of the main coordinators of EDJNet. @ChiaraSighele
- Josef Šlerka is a data journalist and media specialist from the Czech Republic, Head of New Media Studies at Charles University. @josefslerka
- Edgars Spuravs is director at the Centre for Media Studies of the Stockholm School of Economics in Latvia.
- Jean François Tanda is the general secretary of JournaFONDS in Switzerland. - @JFTanda
- Joëlle Terburg is managing director of the Dutch Fund for In-Depth Journalism (, an organization that provides funding to journalists for projects, talent and expertise development.
- Malte Werner is the board member of Netzwerk Recherche, the German association of investigative journalists. @dok_jour
- Kostas Zafeiropoulosis is an investigative journalist for one of Greece's biggest newspapers, Efimerida ton Sintakton (Journalists' Journal) and one of the founders of the non-profit organisation The Mediterranean Institute for Investigative Reporting (MIIR). @K_Zafeiropoulos