Each of Journalismfund's grant programmes has its own jury, usually consisting of four rotating members. The jurors are experienced individuals with knowledge in the field of investigative journalism and the media.
- The jury wil decide independently on the funding of the submitted project proposals on the based of the evaluation criteria and the available budget specified by Journalismfund Europe.
- Jury members remain anonymous until they leave the jury. This is to ensure both the independence of the jury process and the confidentiality of the investigations. At the end of their mandate (maximum 4 years), the names of the jury members will be published by Journalismfund Europe.
- Jury members are selected by Journalismfund Europe, without the involvement of donors or other parties. Jury members are selected from a longlist approved by Journalismfund's Board of Directors. This means that only selected Journalismfund Europe staff know who the jury members are.
- Both Journalismfund Europe and the jury are bound by strict confidentiality - before, during and after the evaluation of proposals.
- Jury members are bound to Journalismfund's strict conflict of interest policy, which is designed to ensure the highest standards in terms of ethical behaviour and independence and objectivity in decision-making.
Below is an overview of all former Journalismfund Europe jury members: