WARSAW/BUCHAREST/CULIACÁN - Europe is facing a fentanyl crisis. In 2023, victims of this deadly substance have already been reported in a few countries. The team of journalists traces the path of fentanyl from Mexico to Romania and Poland, showing the complexity of the problem.
In this four-part investigative report, this team of journalists traces the routes of fentanyl and other drugs into Europe. They followed the trail of counterfeit tablets of a well-known drug with a fentanyl admixture, which, according to their informant, the Balkan mafia brought to Eastern Europe from Mexico. As part of the investigation, they met with a fentanyl cook in the Mexican state of Sinaloa, contacted sellers of the drug's precursors in China, talked to Afghan opium farmers and many experts on the drug market and public safety.
In the background, the question was often asked: "Will fentanyl threaten Europe?”.
In Europe, narcos are not as visible as they are in Mexico: they do not flaunt their wealth, they do not show off their cars, they look for abandoned villages and houses to produce drugs away from the eyes of neighbours and the services.
In Europe, "you will never see five Mexicans in a car, dressed up and listening to narcocorridos," says one of the informants of Julio Aguilar, the author of an article in El Espanol.
'In Europe, of course, there are low-level, home-based “kitchens”. It's difficult to set up professional fentanyl laboratories. Is this a possible scenario in Europe? Not at the moment. But in 10 years' time, it could be a threat,’ Saucedo tells me, with a modicum of optimism. ‘This is not Mexico, where the cartels can count on the cooperation of the police. They can’t feel so safe here. After all, they are guests on this playing field. And they would have to obtain precursors. How? From where?’
Photo: ©Szymon Opryszek
- Fentanyl gotuje się tak prosto jak rosół. Czy czeka nas epidemia?, OKO.press, 19/10/2024
- Nazywają mnie panem fentanylu, przepis mam od Chińczyków, OKO.press, 20/10/2024
- Gra w Chińczyka. Tak się kupuje chemię do produkcji fentanylu, OKO.press, 26/10/2024
- Wojna hery z fentanylem o Europę. Jak uchronić nasze dzieci, OKO.press, 27/10/2024
- Mi se spune domnul Fentanil, rețeta am luat-o de la chinezi. Rutele narcoticelor, Context, 29/10/2024
- Se dă drept chinez. Acesta este modul de a cumpăra substanțe chimice pentru producerea de fentanil, Context, 31/10/2024
- Război între heroină și fentanil peste Europa. Cum ar trebui să ne protejăm copiii, Context, 4/11/2024
- Cocinar fentanilo es tan fácil como hacer caldo: ¿se viene una epidemia?, Publico, 16/11/2024
- "Me dicen el señor del fentanilo, la receta me la pasaron los chinos", Publico, 16/11/2024
- Context.ro: Fentanilul se prepară la fel de ușor ca ciorba. Să ne așteptăm la o epidemie în Europa?, PressOne, 30/10/2024
- Poland
- Romania
- Mexico
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