Adrián Estrada is a Dutch-Peruvian investigative journalist.

Adrián has an Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering degree. After working for the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure, he switched to journalism in 2020, covering environmental subjects, climate change and racism. 

Adrian was part of the investigative journalism platform Investico. He also writes for media such as Vers Beton, de Groene Amsterdammer and Trouw.

His work has received several nominations and national prizes; his investigation with Felix Voogt on the Dutch nitrogen crisis has received the journalistic awards De Tegel and De Loep.



Photo: ©Sarah Rose Guitian Nederlof

Adrián Estrada

Basic information

Adrian Estrada
Investigative journalist
Agriculture, environment, climate change and racism

Supported projects

The Future of Petro-cities

  • Climate
  • Energy

ROTTERDAM/ANTWERP — This first-of-its-kind investigation shows how much fossil fuels will be produced by Dutch and Belgium oil refineries between now and the year 2050. When burned, at least 3.9 million kilotons of carbon will be released into the atmosphere - emissions that correspond to hundreds of thousands of heat-related deaths due to the effects of climate change.

Yassmina Berrag