Dragan Maksimović  is reporter, writer and correspondent specialising in political and economic subjects relating to Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Born in Munich in 1980, Dragan Maksimovic now lives and works in the Bosnian city of Banja Luka.
Dragan has been working for Deutsche Welle since the turn of the century, covering political, economic and other stories relating to Bosnia and Herzegovina. He says that he joined DW because of its respected, professional and regionally relevant content. He also works as an editor/producer for the country's public broadcaster, BHRT.

He likes to say: "Life writes novels, we are the preface."

Dragan Maksimović

Basic information

Dragan Maksimović
Political, economic and other stories relating to Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia & Herzegovina
Banja Luka

Supported projects

Clean Energy in South East Europe

  • Energy
  • Environment

SKOPJE - Sunny North Macedonia falls short of solar thermal expectations. Using solar thermal technology to convert sunlight into heat should be a no-brainer in North Macedonia. After all, it’s one of the world’s sunniest countries. But meager subsidies and insufficient regulation have stymied projects, despite the economic benefits that experts concur are there for the impoverished country.