Eddy van Wessel is a Dutch photojournalist.

He won several awards with his work:

2019, 2015, 2013: Overall Winner "Zilveren Camera"    https://www.zilverencamera.nl/jaargang/2019-2/1e-prijs-nieuws-internationaal-serie/
2020, POY, 2e prize :  https://www.poy.org/77/09/02.html
2020  Sony WorldPhoto Awards:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWT97bTkQMo
2017  Winner foreign news prize 
2004, 2001 Photographer of the year. 

More info: Eddy van Wessel Photography 

Photo: ©Younes Mohammad 

Basic information

Eddy van Wessel

Supported projects

Ten Years of ISIS in Iraq: Who Gained?

  • Armed conflict
  • Human Rights

BAGDAD - Ten years ago, the reign of the terrorist group ISIS in Iraq began with the invasion of Mosul. And made many victims in the process. Among minorities such as Yezidis and Christians; a lot of attention has been paid to that. Less well known is the largest group: the Sunnis who lived under the ISIS occupation, oppressed and killed. And subsequently lumped together with the radicals by many.

Mosul after ISIS: from one occupation to the next

  • Armed conflict

MOSUL - Many residents of Mosul, Iraq's second city, see the power that Shiite militias have seized in the city as a new occupation. If the terror group ISIS could still be chased away militarily, how they will ever get rid of militias that have put their corrupt tentacles into everything, they do not know.