Hanna Nikkanen is a Finnish investigative reporter and one of the founders of Long Play, a Helsinki-based longform journalism startup.

Hanna Nikkanen teaches journalism and write books.

Hanna Nikkanen

Basic information

Hanna Nikkanen
Investigative reporter
Ecological, crises, digital liberties, slow travel

Supported projects

The European Manure Dilemma

  • Agriculture
  • Environment

AMSTERDAM / BONN / HELSINKI / STOCKHOLM — Manure is a valuable part of the agricultural cycle but becomes a huge environmental threat when there's too much of it. The team of journalists in four countries tried to investigate the manure surplus, and discovered that related EU data is not readily available.

Security for sale: the price we pay to protect Europeans

  • Security
  • Terrorism

Since the late 1990s, the European Union has worked to encourage a European security market, where major defence and technology companies develop products and services that better protect us from crime and terrorism. This industry should also create jobs and be globally competitive. Over the past year, more than twenty journalists in eleven European countries investigated this burgeoning sector. And they discovered there’s a lot wrong with the European security market.