Kristel Härma is an investigative journalist from Estonia.

Kristel currently works for the local business media Äripäev in the Swedish Bonnier Group. Kristel enjoys working on stories that shed light on injustice and illegal or unethical actions by companies and entrepreneurs. In recent years she has focused more on start-ups and also on environmental violations by some of Estonia's biggest companies.

Basic information

Kristel Härma
Investigative journalist
financial crime, startups, environment

Supported projects

The Timber War: How Industry Influence Threatens Baltic Forests

  • Environment

VILNIUS / RIGA / TALINN – This investigation reveals a complex web of industry influence and political manoeuvring that threatens the future of the Baltic forests. Powerful timber lobbies, backed by industry-funded research and political connections, appear to be shaping the narrative around forest management.

Carbon Credits Market's Footprint in Europe

  • Climate
  • Environment

TALLINN - The lack of regulation of the voluntary carbon market, along with the influx of capital, creates a situation where ineffective solutions or even outright scams can be marketed. This cross-border investigation is looking at how people are exploiting 'green' opportunities for personal gain in Estonia, Lithuania and Italy.