Marta Bellingreri is an Arabic-speaking freelance journalist and independent researcher, currently working as an editor at SyriaUntold and UntoldMag.

She has contributed reports to L'Espresso, Il Venerdì, Internazionale, IrpiMedia, El Paìs, stern, The Guardian, BBC, The New York Times, among others. She is the author of the book "Lampedusa," with Giusi Nicolini (Edizioni Gruppo Abele, 2013), and the narrative report "Il sole splende tutto l'anno a Zarzis" (Navarra, 2014).

Bellingreri is also involved in the production of documentaries and podcasts. She lived for several years in the Middle East, where she continues to travel regularly for her projects and reports.

Marta Bellingreri

Basic information

Marta Bellingreri
Middle East, North Africa, Sicily

Supported projects

How Can European Apple Growing Become More Environmentally Friendly?

  • Agriculture
  • Environment

ILE-ALATAU - This project shows that the protection of a special natural heritage – namely the wild apple forests of Kazakhstan, — is in Europe's strong interest, as it might help to make European apple growing more environmentally friendly.