Roshan De Stone (UK) is a human rights advocate working in Syrian refugee camps in Lebanon. As a freelance journalist and illustrator, she has published with Al Araby and is a full-time contributor to Brush&Bow.

She has worked extensively in Europe and the Middle East as a human rights monitor. She has also set up a number of community projects and spaces of cultural celebration, through radio, capoeira, DJing, exhibitions, music nights, art and mural workshops. Her studies at SOAS focused on the religion in the MENA region, before she did a masters in Human Rights Law.

Roshan De Stone

Basic information

Roshan De Stone
Human Rights Advocat, Journalist and Illustrator
Border violence. Migration. Smuggling

Supported projects

Torture, Covid-19 and forced deterrence at EU borders

  • Human Rights
  • Migration
  • Politics

LIPA - On April 13 2020, the number of deaths due to the Coronavirus in Italy exceeded 20,000. That same afternoon, Saeed carefully packed his bag in the migrant camp of Lipa, Bosnia. Three portable charging batteries, a box of cigarettes, a sleeping bag, and a picture of his two children back in Pakistan.