Tobias Asmuth covers international topics and reports mostly about Europe, Africa and Asia.

He has also worked as a reporter for the leading German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung and for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.  

His favourite form are long reads – reportage, portraits and features – for nationwide magazines and newspapers in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. Tobias' articles have been published in brand eins, Geo, Brigitte, annabelle, Tagesspiegel, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Tagesanzeiger,  Berliner Zeitung, and Stuttgarter Zeitung.

Tobias has been writing on environmental topics and agricultural issues for many years. In Romania, he reported on the last primeval forests and plans for a national park, wrote about the world's largest cooperative for agricultural products in South Korea, or  ortrayed agricultural projects on former mafia land in Sicily. For his reportage on the drought in Portugal, he was awarded with the German-Portuguese journalism prize.  

Tobias Asmuth

Basic information

Tobias Asmuth
Environmental topics and agricultural issues

Supported projects

How Can European Apple Growing Become More Environmentally Friendly?

  • Agriculture
  • Environment

ILE-ALATAU - This project shows that the protection of a special natural heritage – namely the wild apple forests of Kazakhstan, — is in Europe's strong interest, as it might help to make European apple growing more environmentally friendly.

The Dam and the Drought

  • Climate

ALENTEJO - It hasn't been this dry in Portugal for a thousand years. But in the Alentejo, there have long been debates about the right way to farm in times of drought and record temperatures. This is mainly due to a dam that is supposed to provide sufficient water.