Zaneta Trajkoska is an Associate Professor and Director of the Institute of Communication Studies (ICS), in Skopje.

She is a research associate and a researcher in the field of media and journalism, public relations and political communication. She has acquired a BA in journalism, an MA in communication and management, and a PhD in political science.

Zaneta has more than 25 years of experience in leading international and domestic media and journalism educational projects, strategic communications, public interest campaigns and developing study programs in journalism and public relations. She is one of the founders of the Macedonian Press Centre, the Macedonian Institute for Media, as well as the School of Journalism and Public Relations and the Institute of Communication Studies.

Trajkoska’s fields of interest are Media, Communication and Politics and their interconnection in the creation of public opinion. She is also interested in the influence of the Public Relations on the professional journalism standards and ethics, as well as the relationship between transparency of the governmental institutions, communication and media.

Research fields: Media and Journalism, Mass Communication and Media Policy, Public Relations and Strategic Communication, Media Manipulation and Propaganda, Political Communication.

Zaneta Trajkoska

Basic information

Zaneta Trajkoska
Researcher, Associate Professor & Director of the Institute of Communication Studies
international/domestic media and journalism educational projects
North Macedonia

Supported projects

Nature for Sale: Why Protection of Endemic Species Isn't Enforced

  • Environment
  • Trafficking

SKOPJE - The Macedonian grayling is a unique butterfly species which resides exclusively on the outskirts of a small Macedonian town, with no other known locations worldwide. The specimen of this rare and endangered butterfly can be purchased at low prices across Europe — how did this become possible?