Alarm is an online daily outlet covering political, cultural and socioeconomic topics since 2013, and has become the most-read progressive online medium in the Czech Republic.

Alarm publishes a wide range of stories, including investigative journalism, daily political opinion pieces, commentaries, news, analyses and, most recently, podcasts and videoshows. Alarm promotes a pro-democratic and progressive political agenda and provides space for high quality critical and investigative journalism. Alarm's task is to bring significant but underrepresented topics to the mainstream, with an emphasis on those concerning underprivileged sections of society. At the same time, it is committed to conveying important stories from abroad which do not receive coverage in mainstream Czech media outlets.

Denik Alarm

Basic information


Supported projects

Enhancing democratic dialogue in Mostecko

  • Journalism & Media

MOSTECKO - Alarm online daily's newly established regional editorial office will focus on one of the most vulnerable micro-regions in the Czech Republic - the so-called Mostecko region. This first local editorial office of Alarm is a pilot project of a long-term plan to enter the regions and significantly strengthen regional journalism by creating smaller teams working directly in the field.