Vers Beton informs concerned Rotterdammers about developments in their city through facts, insights and understanding.
Vers Beton is a journalistic platform with a clear mission: we strive for an unconventional and just city through independent journalism. Our target audience is the committed Rotterdammer, the concerned resident, as well as the professional working on developments in the city. Vers Beton was informally founded in 2011, incorporated in 2013 and started recruiting paying supporters in 2018. From 2021 we have a paywall and paying subscribers. Also in 2018 we established our investigative editorial team to supplement the in-depth journalism we were providing our audience.
Vers Beton informs concerned Rotterdammers about developments in their city through facts, insights and understanding. We contribute to informed opinion formation through opinions, analysis and interpretation. We monitor power and expose power structures and structural social problems through financially independent journalism. We publish mainly investigative stories, as well as podcasts, always in Dutch.