
As part of the Money Trail project, Finance Uncovered and Free Press Unlimited, offer training courses focused on how to investigate tax abuse, money laundering and corruption plus digital safety. The next training will take place in Abuja, bursaries are available!

We are delighted to invite applications from journalists, campaigners and academics based in Africa who would like to attend our five-day financial investigative journalism and digital security training course in Abuja.

Two Money Trail trainings have already taken place (London – September 2018; Jakarta – February 2019) and four more are planned as follows: London (Nov 2019), two in Abuja (July 2019, July 2020) and Jakarta (Feb 2020).

The next call is for investigative journalists based in Africa who are interested in following the money. The dates for our Abuja training will be Monday 1 July 2019 to Friday 5 July 2019.

The deadline for applications is Wednesday 10 April at 12h00 BST.

You do not need to have a financial background to apply but we consider it important when selecting candidates to see evidence of your investigative experience. Class instructions will take place in English.

Why attend?

Over three days, you will be shown how to investigate corporate accounts, offshore activity and corporate corruption. We will show you where to find documents, how to analyse them and other practical tools to help uncover financial secrecy. We will also demonstrate how you can secure those involved in your investigation by improving your risk assessment and security skills.

A combination of hands-on training and guidance from senior practitioners will give you the basis to investigate financial corruption as well as offering the opportunity to network with other journalists and activists. 

Find info on how to apply here

Photo: copyright Lisa May

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