SOFIA - The story focuses on the plight of cash-strapped Bulgarian women who come to Belgium and the Netherlands as posted workers to care for elderly people who want to spend the last months or years of their life in their own home, instead of in a retirement home. The investigation focuses on one of the main players on the market offering such services, Seniorcare24.
The investigation revealed that the Bulgarian women employed by this group are being exploited. Their wages are kept far below Belgian minimum standards if paid at all. The women’s working days are marked by long hours, very little time to rest, and threats and intimidation by the company’s owners. Moreover, through a network of Belgian and Bulgarian legal entities, the company’s owners seek to evade any kind of oversight and, ultimately, legal liability.
Moreover, it is argued that, while this type of service is very much desired by elderly people, and could have real benefits for all parties involved, a framework that guarantees both the legality and affordability of such services and the well-being of the caregivers, is currently lacking.
Grant of €9.040 awarded in April 2017.
In March 2019, Slavery of Care was nominated for the 'Belfius-persprijs' in the category 'Television press'. The Belfius Press Awards is a series of annual press awards from the Belgian bank Belfius for the best articles or series of articles, audiovisual reports and photos that were published or distributed in the media during the past year.
- Fraude met Bulgaarse vrouwen in de ouderenzorg (BE) – Knack, 30 May 2018
- Fraude met Bulgaarse vrouwen in ouderenzorg: zwoegen voor 400 euro per maand (BE) – Knack, 30 May 2018
- Bulgarians Accused of Practicing Modern Slavery in Senior Care in Belgium (BG) – Bivol, 30 May 2018
- Българи експлоатирали домашни асистенти за възрастни в Белгия (BG) – Bivol, 30 May 2018
- Onderzoek Uitbuiting in de zorg (NL) – De Groene Amsterdammer, 13 June 2018
- Непосилна грижа срещу 400 евро на месец (BG) – 24 Chasa, 14 June 2018
- How to get around the EU posted workers directive – EUObserver, 20 June 2018
- Trailer
- Fraude met bejaardenzorg, (BE), Telefacts (VTM), 30 mei 2018
- Watch the full documentary here, Telefacts (VTM), 30 May 2018
Secondary Publications
- ‘Moderne slavernij’ in de Belgische ouderenzorg (BE) – De Standaard, 30 mei 2018
- Peeters zit samen met Bulgaren over fraude met zorg (BE) – De Tijd, 31 mei 2018
- Jo Vandeurzen: ‘Activiteiten Bulgaars zorgbedrijf moeten eindigen’ (BE) – Knack, 30 mei 2018
- Fraude met Bulgaarse vrouwen in Belgische ouderenzorg (BE) – despecialist.eu, 30 mei 2018
- Importante fraude dans les soins aux seniors impliquant une société bulgare (BE) – Le journal du Médicin, 30 mei 2018
- Fraude dans les soins aux seniors: Kris Peeters travaille avec les autorités bulgares (BE) – Ciel FM, 30 mei 2018
- Esclavagisme moderne et arnaque dans une société de services pour seniors (BE) – 7sur7, 30 mei 2018
- Quand une société bulgare arnaque les seniors belges (et leurs soignants) (BE) – Paris Match, 30 mei 2018
- Fraude dans les soins aux seniors: Kris Peeters travaille avec les autorités bulgares (BE) – RTBF, 30 mei 2018
- Bulgarians Accused of Practicing Modern Slavery in Senior Care in Belgium (BG) – Bivol, 30 mei 2018
- Българи експлоатирали домашни асистенти за възрастни в Белгия – (BG) – Bivol, 30 mei 2018
- Debate in Flemish Parliament during plenary session – Vlaamparlement.be, 30 mei 2018 (BE)
- “Jo Vandeurzen: Activiteiten Bulgaars zorgbedrijf moeten eindigen”, 30.05.2018, https://www.tijd.be/nieuws/archief/Peeters-zit-samen-met-Bulgaren-over-fraude-met-zorg/10017224 (BE)
- Beweging.net, “Hard optreden tegen uitbuiting in ouderenzorg”, 30.05.2018, https://www.beweging.net/algemeen/nieuws/24-nieuwsberichten/3051-commercialisering-zorgsector-geen-geldgewin-boven-kwaliteit (BE)
- Interpellation, Gemeenschappelijke Gemeenschapscommissie, Commissie Sociale Zaken, 24.10.2018, http://weblex.irisnet.be/data/arccc/biq/2018-19/00003/images.pdf (BE)
- Parliamentary questions The Netherlands, 14.06.2018,https://www.tweedekamer.nl/k (amerstukken/kamervragen/detail?id=2018Z11388&did=2018D34021 (NL)
- Minister De Jonge, Answering parliamentary questions about the article "Trembling hands at the bedside" (exploitation in home care) , 21.08.2018, https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/documenten/kamerstukken/2018/08/21/beantwoording-kamervragen-over-het-artikel-%E2%80%98trillende-handen-aan-het-bed%E2%80%99-uitbuiting-in-de-thuiszorg (NL)
Minister De Jonge, Letter to the House of Representatives about the report in Groene Amsterdammer about the treatment of Bulgarian staff by care company "Care4you”, 21.08.2018, https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/documenten/kamerstukken/2018/08/21/kamerbrief-over-bulgaarse-bedrijven-die-ondermaatse-inwonende-thuiszorg-aanbieden (NL)
- Bivol, Bulgarians Accused of Practicing Modern Slavery in Senior Care in Belgium, 30.05.2018, https://bivol.bg/en/bulgarians-accused-of-practicing-modern-slavery-in-senior-care-in-belgium.html (BG)
- Bivol, БългариексплоатиралидомашниасистентизавъзрастнивБелгия, 30.05.2018, https://bivol.bg/seniorcare24.html
- 24Chasa, 31.05.2018, “Πoзcлĸдвoтбългopcaидpyжĸcтвo вБĸлгиязo тpyдeвo (BG)(ĸacплeoтoция”, https://www.24chasa.bg/novini/article/6890855
- Dnes.bg, “СестритеМюлервнеизвестност! Носновафирма”, 21.06.2018, https://www.dnes.bg/eu/2018/06/21/sestrite-miuler-v-neizvestnost-no-s-nova-firma.380033 (BG)
- 24Chasa, “Pĸcтpитĸ Kюлĸp cмĸнятcиcтĸмoтo, c aeятe eтгeдинимoмятбългopaи, eбвинявoтAвpeпo”, 15.06.2018, https://www.24chasa.bg/novini/article/6915311 (BG)
- Reply Bulgarian Social Affairs Minister after question in parliament,
27.06.2018 http://www.parliament.bg/pub/PK/309635854-06-823.pdf - Official communication from the Bulgarian foreign minister, 28.06.2018, http://www.parliament.bg/bg/topical_nature/30025
- Baricada, “МВнР не се вълнува от скандала с експлоатираните българки в Белгия”, 29.06.2018, https://baricada.org/2018/06/29/skandal-rabotnici-belgium/ (article about reaction of Foreign Affairs Minister)
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