BRUSSELS - The five Flemish universities have made considerable progress in the area of gender equality in recent years. Yet at this rate it would take until 2050 before there is gender balance among academic staff. Only slightly more than one in four professors in Flanders is female - while there is no shortage of highly educated women.
On the 26th of June 2019, the rectors of the five Flemish universities signed the "Gender in Academia" charter in which they promise to bring gender equality closer to the academic world. In this article Selma Franssen investigated why this is desperately needed. ECOOM expertise center, VUB rector Caroline Pauwels, art scientist and member of the Young Academy Nele Wynants and science philosopher, physicist and co-chair of the Young Academy Sylvia Wenmackers explain the glass ceiling in science - and how it can be broken.
Gendergelijkheid op de Vlaamse universiteit: “Wij zijn optimistisch, maar vanzelf gebeurt er niets”, Charlie Magazine, 26/6/2019. (in Dutch)
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