KINSHASA - More then a hundred years after the publication of Joseph Conrads’ book ’The Heart of Darkness”. Marc Hoogsteyns checks if the situation in Congo has changed. Despite all the trouble the author remarks that there is still hope for this country.
Marc Hoogsteyns paddled down the Lukenie River, from Lodja to Kinshasa, through the deep interior of the Congo. A daring journey of more than 1500 kilometres. Along the way he encountered cannibals and crossed areas where no white man had been for more than 30 years. In fact, the outside world seems to have forgotten that in this deep interior millions of Congolese live very poor and miserable lives, and that nothing is being done to help them.
BOOK (Only in Dutch)
- Title: Hart of Darkness revisited
Subtitle: Een verbijsterende kajaktocht dwars door het hart van Congo
Author: Marc Hoogsteyns
Editor: Lannoo
Language: Dutch
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