BRUSSELS - Europe's Natura 2000 protected areas are groaning under nitrogen emissions from livestock farming. Meanwhile, farmers near nature reserves fear for their future. Due to conflicting policy choices, agriculture and nature conversation have become diametrically opposed. The call for a long-term vision is becoming louder and louder. What kind of agriculture do we want in Flanders?
Stef Arends explores the future of farming in five parts. Based on many discussions with farmers, nature conservationists, scientists and politicians, he discerns three profiles: the farmer as an economist, the farmer as a romantic and the farmer as a futurist.
Photo: ©Stef Arends
ONLINE (In Dutch)
- Een stikstofbom onder Vlaanderen, Apache.be, 23/11/2020.
- Redt grootschalige landbouw het milieu?, Apache.be, 24/11/2020.
- Een stikstofbom onder Vlaanderen: kleinschaligheid in volgebouwde regio, Apache.be, 25/11/2020.
- Een stikstofbom onder Vlaanderen: boeren zonder dieren, Apache.be, 26/11/2020.
- Een stikstofbom onder Vlaanderen: regering staat voor harde keuzes, Apache.be, 27/11/2020.
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