
In a remote corner of the sparsely populated northwest of Kenya, the Kakuma Refugee Camp was founded in 1991. The persistent instability in the region caused a society with increasingly urban characteristics to arise.

Kakuma was founded in 1991. The number of inhabitants grew to 182,000, making it Kenya's second largest refugee camp. Today it is a cosmopolitan camp amidst the vast nothingness. Pablo Janssen went there to visualize this forgotten side of the refugee story.

Team members

Pablo Janssen

Pablo Janssen studied Language & Literature and a Master Conflict & Development Studies at Ghent University. Writing and traveling are two of his greatest passions, which he is only too happy to combine.


A working grant of € 1.040 allocated on 2/06/2015.


Vluchtelingenkamp werd kosmopolitische stad - MO*, 20 april 2016


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