
LUBLIN – „We invest in democracy” is a project of independent Polish newspaper “Tygodnik Siedlecki”. We are trying to resist the rising crisis in printed press industry. Our readers are spread across 7 administrative districts of eastern Poland, including six in the Mazovia Province and one in the Lublin Province. 

The project aims to grant a financial boost to an independenet title, which is facing several difficulties in the current challenging market situation (i.e. inflation, continuing price rises for paper and printing, rising costs of transportation and distribution). A web platform will give us a chance to generate additional revenues from advertising, publication of sponsored materials and the sale of e-editions. Declining revenues from the sales of the paper edition are not sufficient to develop our online platform. Meanwhile, “Tygodnik Siedlecki” and its website are proud to provide the local communities with news that present an unbiased view of reality (and this is rarely the case in our region). We want and feel obliged to provide young people with access to a resilient  online community because they are becoming less and less likley to use the paper version of the newspaper. We have to grant them access to timely, constant and reliable source of information. Funding will enable us to recruit a WordPress specialist who will deal with many of the ongoing problems, upgrading and optimizing. The website has been accomodated to work on WordPress environment very recently.

Target group

The project aims to give a financial boost to an independent title, which is facing several difficulties in a challenging market situation (i.e. inflation, continuing price rises for paper and printing, rising costs of transportation and distribution costs). A web platform will give us a chance to generate additional revenues from advertising, publication of sponsored materials and the sale of e-editions. Declining revenues from the sales of the paper edition cannot facilitate the growth of our online platform. Meanwhile, "Tygodnik Siedlecki" and its website are proud to provide the local communities with news that present an unbiased view of reality (and this is rarely the case in our region). We want and need to provide young people with access to a resilient online community because they are less and less likely to use the paper version of the newspaper. We want and need to provide them with timely and constant access to reliable information.

Goals of the project

To diversify the publisher`s revenue and increase the revenue of the online platform. 

Recruting a Wordpress specialist will  help eliminate many of the problems associated with upgrading and optimizing the websiten which has been running on Wordpress for just a few weeks now.

Yong people who do not choose to read printed press are denied access to daily loca news. Upgrading our technological stack will, to a large extent, fill this growning gap.

-For the publisher- increase in revenue, website upgrade as well as higher job security, but also acceleration of publishing hot news online.
-We will deem it a success if the newspaper continues to exist on the free media market. We are desperate to see a significant increase in the number of users visiting the webiste. Increase in these figures and the overall success of the platform also means increase in revenue for the publishers. 
-For the readers- quick access to reliable, unbiased information, live access to the latest news.

Implemented activities 

They created a modern panel for advertisers from small towns in the region, often excluded from communication. 

Impact addressing news deserts

The project was aimed at the inhabitants of information deserts. They make it easier for residents of small towns to have online contact with neighboring villages and with an independent local newspaper. The audience has now easier access to the online portal and to the paper version of the only independent newspaper in the region. 


Tygodnik Siedlecki

The Polish publisher of “Tygodnik Siedlecki” is named „STOPKA” Publishing Cooperative. The Newspaper has been published since 1982.

Tygodnik Siedlecki
€7.750 allocated on 31/10/2023




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