BERLIN - The new German Supply Chain Act requires all German companies to ensure that human rights are respected throughout their global supply chains. This means no child labour, no forced labour and no exploitation. But is this really the case?
This investigation goes behind the scenes at factories in Serbia, a Balkan country caught up in a 'race to the bottom' for foreign investment in which German companies play a major role. The team of investigative journalists interviewed workers, experts, company representatives and insiders, and sifted through a mountain of documents and reports to uncover how workers are treated as they produce cables and tyres for BMW, Mercedes and Volkswagen.
Many of these workers endure long hours for minimal pay and face harsh treatment from their supervisors. Most are too afraid to unionise. Some have even filed complaints with German companies, as outlined in the Supply Chain Act.
But can these complaints make a difference? Or is the Act just a fig leaf covering up a system in which workers' rights are systematically violated on the periphery so that the centre can profit from cheap labour?
Photo: ©Jelena Đukić-Pejić
- Jura: Mercedes proverava optužbe radnika za torturu, Vreme, 23/10/2024.
- Da Nemci vide naš pogon, pobegli bi kroz ventilaciju, DW Serbia, 26/10/2024.
- Da Nijemci vide naš pogon, pobjegli bi kroz ventilaciju, DW Croatia, 26/10/2024.
- Da Nijemci vide naš pogon, pobjegli bi kroz ventilaciju, DW Bosnia, 26/10/2024.
- Nemanja Rujevic Novinar DW, TV Interview, RTK2, 25/10/2024.
- Are German carmakers exploiting Serbian workers?, DW, 27/11/2024.
Beuten deutsche Autobauer serbische Arbeiter aus?, DW, 27/11/2024.
- Vreme: Mercedes proverava optužbe radnika Jure za torturu, N1 Info, 23/10/2024.
- Šta nemački auto giganti rade povodom uslova rada u leskovačkoj Juri?, Danas, 23/10/2024.
- Vreme: Mercedes proverava optužbe radnika Jure za torturu, Novi Magazin, 23/10/2024.
- "Mercedes" i "Audi" ispituju stanje radničkih prava u leskovačkoj "Juri", Južne vesti, 23/10/2024.
- Mercedes vrši reviziju u Juri nakon optužbi za torturu radnika, Jugmedia, 23/10/2024.
- Mercedes i Audi proveravaju optužbe radnika Jure za torturu, O21, 23/10/2024.
- Audi i Mercedes ispituju optužbe radnika leskovačke Jure, BIZLife, 23/10/2024.
- Germany
- Serbia
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