
ROME - The project aims to strengthen a network of young Italian storytellers to improve coverage of the climate crisis and its impacts at the national level, as Italy is one of the places in the world that are most exposed to losses from extreme weather damage globally.

The project provides participants with state-of-the-art tools to strengthen their capacities to identify investigative topics and conduct in-depth research.  

An in-person meeting is planned to strengthen ties between network members, improve the production of independent investigations, and amplify the impact of publications.

The call for participation was launched early October 2024, and closed by the 25 of October. 298 people have enrolled.

Trainings schedule:

  • 29 October 2024: Finding funds for independent environmental investigations, Elisabetta Tola, FACTA (attended by 130 people)
  • 5 November 2024: Satellite imagery - Innovative perspectives on climate narrative. How to creatively use satellite images to investigate and visualise climate stories, Federico Monica, Placemarks
  • 12 November 2024: Decolonizing climate journalism and unveiling climate corporate narratives, Gennaro Avallone, ReCommon
  • 19 November 2024: Access to public information in Europe (FOIA), Giacomo Zandonini, FADA Collective,

The in-person meeting is scheduled for the 28-30th March 2025.

Four mentors will support the production of investigative projects, and their dissemination across traditional and independent media, and through participatory initiatives involving local communities.


FADA Collective

FADA Collective unites journalists, photographers, video-makers and independent authors who document, tell and bear witness to our world.

FADA Collective
€21,600 allocated on 25/06/2024

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