Davide Mancini is a Italian freelance multimedia journalist focusing on environmental issues linked with Europe and European consumption.

He collaborates frequently with other journalists for cross-border investigations, reportages and documentaries. His work combines a European perspective with storytelling from the ground, focusing on supply chain and products we are offered everyday. He was a VICE-Knight Innovator fellow at the City University of New York and a Mundus Journalism alumni with a specialisation in war and conflict reporting

He is currently a 2024 Ocean Reporting Network fellow at the Pulitzer Center, based in Southern Spain. His works were published by VoxEurop, Euronews, la Repubblica, Domani, Il Fatto Quotidiano. He worked for PICUM, a human rights advocacy NGO based in Brussels, and he founded an awarded video-based news platform, Media Vox Pop.

Davide Mancini

Basic information

Davide Mancini
Multimedia journalist
Environmental issues in Southern Europe

Supported projects

Mozambique Plants More Eucalyptus to Feed Europe's Packaging Demand

  • Environment
  • Industry

CHIMOIO / SANTARÉM – The EU countries consume more cellulose than they produce, and this growing demand is creating new business opportunities for some while resulting in the loss of land for others. This cross-border investigation examines the land grabbing in Mozambique fuelled by the European demand for eucalyptus pulp.

Nutrient Overload in Europe

  • Agriculture
  • Environment

RONCILIONE / CAMPO DE CARTAGENA – The EU aims to reduce fertiliser overuse, but it faces the resistance of the industry and farmers alike. This investigation examines the cases of two hotspots in Italy and Spain, scrutinizing contamination drivers and assessing health, environmental, and economic consequences.

EU regulations triggering illegal fishing in Tunisia and Libya

  • Environment
  • Fishing industry

KERKENNAH ISLANDS - In Tunisia, artisanal fishers are facing depleted fish stocks as a result of illegal bottom trawling.

Lucifer's Spell

  • Climate
  • Environment

LECCE - EVIA - The Mediterranean basin is a hotspot of the climate crisis, with average temperatures rising above global trends. Heat waves, droughts and a combination of anthropogenic factors are provoking new generations of wildfires that are devastating for ecosystems and for human societies.