Clean Energy Wire (CLEW) is an international hub for climate and energy journalism.

CLEW reports independently on the stories that matter for the move to climate neutrality in Europe with well-contextualised news, factsheets and in-depth analyses.

We collaborate with journalists across the globe who cover the world’s biggest story. We empower journalists with training and research support.

The CLEW Journalism Network with currently nearly 500 members from more than 80 countries offers a platform for the exchange of knowledge and ideas, and for collaboration.

Clean Energy Wire

Basic information

Clean Energy Wire
2050 Media Project gGmbH

Supported projects

Summer Academy for Journalists: Energy Transition and Climate Journalism

  • Climate
  • Data Journalism
  • Energy
  • Environment

BERLIN - 20 European journalists are being trained for a week to gain a practical understanding of the tools and insights needed to report on climate neutrality and energy transition. Organised by Clean Energy Wire (CLEW), which has been covering all aspects of energy and climate for a decade, the Summer Academy aims to make European journalists better equipped to tell the story of our time.