
Each year, 115 tonnes of heroin from Afghan poppy fields is exported to Europe. Who wins? Who loses? And what is the impact of lucrative drug smuggling on people who live along this Balkan route?

In the trail of a packet of Brown Sugar, journalist Hanne Couderé and photographer Jim Huylebroek traveled along Afghan, Iranian, Turkish, and Eastern European borders, asking how all these drugs flow to Europe. The heroin route, from Afghan poppy fields to the Belgian needle.

Team members

Hanne Couderé

Hanne Couderé is a Belgian freelance journalist. She studied Political Sciences and Development Studies in Antwerp and Brussels, and completed a postgraduate course in International Research Journalism.

Jim Huylebroek

Jim Huylebroek (*1989) is a freelance photographer from Antwerp, Belgium, based out of Kabul, Afghanistan.

A working grant of € 8.000 toegekend op 11/05/2015.


De Heroïne Route - dS Weekblad, 29/01/2016



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