RIO DE JANEIRO - David Joris Dhert and Gregg Young sought the answer to a simple question in Rio de Janeiro. How will the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil and the Rio 2016 Olympic Games change the lives of its inhabitants?
The World Cup and the Olympic Games usually announce themselves in terms of dreams and opportunities for the organizing country. Along three years of observation from amongst theBrazilians, this documentary explores in what way those promises have been realized.
The film was made possible with the support of the Pascal Decroos Fund and the Flemish Audiovisual Fund (VAF).
Nominated for the Social Art Award 2017.
- Facebook: We must be dreaming
- Documentairemaker over Rio: 'Dit is niet hoe je een sportevenement organiseert' - De Standaard (15.08.'16)
- Urutau, de indiaan met een missie - VRT Nieuws - De Redactie (13.08.'16)
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