Ludovica Jona is an Italian investigative journalist contributor at Il Fatto Quotidiano online newspaper and producer of video investigations. 

She has 8 years experience as coordinator of investigations funded by IJC, #IJ4EU and Journalismfund on social and environmental issues. She contributed to national and international investigative media outlets - such as The Intercept, Mediapart, L’Espresso, FQ Millennium - and TV programs (ReportRai3, Rainews-Spotlight).

She managed cross border investigations on the supply chain of gold which contributes to the Amazon destruction ("The Gold Chain" 2023) and on the environmental impact of the energy produced by burning wood and qualified as "renewable" by the EU ("The logging' business", 2022). “The Gold Chain” and “The logging business” became titles of documentaries broadcast on Rainews24 Spotlight investigative program and selected in various international festivals. 

With her reportage “The Truth Machine” (broadcast on Report Rai3 and published on The Intercept) in 2019 she was the only journalist who tested the lie detector funded by the EU to contrast illegal migration. She also managed and contributed to investigations on the business of pharmaceutical companies during the Covid pandemic ("Behind the pledge" and "Follow the doses" cross border investigations) and on how European development funds are spent for migration control ("Diverted Aid").

She is the author of the documentary "Mohamed and the Fisherman" broadcast on different European tv channels (RaiStoria in Italy, Yle in Finland, SF-DRS in Switzerland) and selected in various film festivals. In 2011 she produced for the national TV channel Rainews the 23-minute video-reportage “Terminal Rifugiati”, which explores the Italian "business on refugees" issue and talks of various cooperatives, later involved in the public inquiry "Mafia Capitale" launched by the Italian magistrature in 2014.

Ludovica Jona

Basic information

Ludovica Jona
Investigative journalist / video maker

Supported projects

The Business of Madness

  • Equality
  • Social affairs

MADRID/TRIESTE - The cross-border investigation is shedding light on how deinstitutionalisation is taking place in 5 regions of 4 different member states: Spain, Italy, Belgium and The Netherlands. Many people in mental institutions are subject to neglect and abuse of human rights, reflected in high mortality rates.

Marco Cavallo

The Gold Chain

  • Environment
  • Exploitation

In 2022, Brazil has exported for nearly 5 billion dollars of gold worldwide. The intermediary sellers operate in a near total secrecy. What are the routes gold from Pará state travels the world?

The Logging Business

  • Energy

CROTONE - The price of energy from woody biomass. The video-investigation, lasting about 30 minutes, investigates the issue of deforestation aimed at the production of woody biomass, qualified as renewable energy sources by the European Commission and therefore subsidised by the Member States.

Behind The Pledge - How EU money is spent for Covid19 drugs

  • Healthcare
  • Industry

BRUSSELS - How did we come to pay gold for a drug whose effectiveness has not been proven? This is the story of Remdesivir, a drug developed by the American company Gilead Sciences with large public funds to combat Ebola, and in July approved by the European Medicines Agency with "conditional authorisation" as the first antiviral against Covid 19.