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The E-Cigarette Lobby

  • Healthcare
  • Science

The e-cigarette is a new, controversial and booming device. Manufacturers are racing to become the biggest in the market. What is the truth behind the device, and why is the tobacco industry looming to take over? An investigation into the politics, lobbying strategies and profits behind the e-cigarette.

Preventive Justice: Guilty Until Proven Innocent

  • Human Rights

MADRID - In the decade since the Madrid bombings of March 11 2004 over 500 people have been arrested for alleged links to islamic terrorism. Only 50 have been convicted. Spain, like most of the EU States, has implemented a Preventive Justice approach to pursue Islamic terrorism. Police and judges regard suspects as guilty until they prove their innocence.

The Migrants Files

  • Data Journalism
  • Human Rights
  • Migration
  • Politics

The Migrants Files is a project by a European consortium of journalists that aims at precisely assessing the number of men, women and children that died as a result of EU Member States migration policies.

Human Trafficking, the Modern-Day Slave Trade

  • Human Rights
  • Trafficking

STOCKHOLM - They offer us a moment of pampering; a manicure, pedicure or perhaps a well-needed massage. They make sure Friday nights are free from cooking thanks to a myriad of cheap Asian take-aways. They even provide sexual relief for tens of thousands of European husbands – yet we’re constantly shocked to learn of their existence. Human trafficking victims are everywhere.

The Gold Trail

  • Journalism & Media

ROSIA MONTANA - The Romanian village of Rosia Montana has been a site of historic gold and silver mining for over two millennia. Now, mining company Rosia Montana Gold Corporation plans a massive mining project, which is dividing the village into supporters and opponents.

Organ Trafficking in Kosovo

  • Healthcare
  • Trafficking

PRISTINA - Between 1999 and 2001, Kosovo's Liberation army, the KLA, possibly used Serbian war prisoners' organs to supply illegal organ trafficking on a massive and international scale, under the eyes and maybe even with the collaboration of the international community present in the country.

Pulp fiction: Chinese tomato puree, made in Italy

  • Agriculture

SALERNO - A great amount of capital is invested in agriculture and gains juicy but illegal returns. Nearly one in three 'Made in Italy'-labeled goods sold in Italy or exported elsewhere are produced with non-Italian products.

Olive oil, the liquid gold

  • Agriculture

JAEN - The farms in Jaen in Spain provide a substantial amount of the total vegetable produce consumed across Europe and receive large farm subsidies from the EU. However, very often the people working on the farms are exploited and the environment is neglected.

Gaza's Gas: The EU's Burned Millions

  • Economy

The Gaza Strip suffers daily power cuts of eight hours or more; the region's only power plant produces far too little electricity to meet the people's needs. How did things get this far, after massive international aid has been invested in the region that was supposed to help the Gazans?

Bad Doctor: question marks over EU's doctor register

  • Healthcare

BERLIN - Free movement of labour within the European Union causes a significant and growing number of doctors working abroad. However, that also requires free movement of information, in order to secure patients' safety.