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Messages from the dark side

  • Journalism & Media
  • Politics

BRUSSELS - Across Europe, misinformation campaigns launched online by a handful of people, ahead of the European Union elections in May. The series of articles reveals the most common misinformation techniques and goes behind the scenes to meet those who fight it.

On Air

  • Journalism & Media
  • Politics

BURUNDI - Bob Rugurika is the director of Radio Publique Africaine (RPA), the most popular independent radio station in Burundi. As an investigative journalist, he is also a forerunner in the fight for freedom of expression in his country, willing to risk his life to expose the truth. 

The bullfighter with regrets? He doesn't exist.

  • Journalism & Media

SPAIN - Fake news goes further than current news facts that are distorted. It is about inspiring stories and photos that will lead a life of their own. The penitent bullfighter is one of them. In the photo you can see a bull almost begging for its life, while the bullfighter is sitting aside, completely embarrassed.

Fire Champ

  • Journalism & Media

KINSHASA - Redhorse Reporter Roel Nollet goes to Kinshasa, Congo to meet former professional boxer, Champion Ndangi. Champion doesn't only train the new generation of boxers, but also a new batch of video journalists. "The link between boxing and the press," he says, "is 'combat". "They pulled out my hair. Tied me up as a thief. But I don't think I should abandon the ring."

Slaves, Lies and Videotape

  • Journalism & Media

Journalists from west Europe have broadcast and printed stories about east Europe that are distorted or false, leading to a fake presentation of reality which victimises nations and some of their poorest and most vulnerable citizens.

This is how Hungary’s ‘independent’ news media is being tampered with

  • Journalism & Media

"We lost our media”, stated Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán in a rare interview in early 2015. He was referring to the media empire of a longtime ally-turned-enemy.

The Right To Be Forgotten

  • Human Rights
  • Journalism & Media
  • Justice

Google notifies media and information sites when an article is delinked from its search engine after a Right to be Forgotten request is approved. These notifications can reviewed, collected in a database, deleted or ignored. Which criteria does Google follow to accept or refuse a request?

Skype Villages in Ukraine

  • Journalism & Media

Imagine a little town in rural Ukraine, with potholed roads, decayed public buildings, ill-looking gas pipes. And its broadband Internet. A few years ago, broadband Internet brought a second life to families in villages like that.

The State Secrets Files

  • Innovation
  • Journalism & Media
  • Politics

BELGIUM - In the Netherlands, it has been possible for years: a visit to the Nationaal Archief (National Archive) to find out what your grandfather or grandmother's wartime past was. In Belgium, however, these archives remain closed, for fear that 'certain passions' will flare up. Anoek Nuyens and Lynn Berger on the struggle of historians and archivists for more openness.

Media and Politics

  • Journalism & Media
  • Politics

BELGIUM - What do politicians think about media and political reporting? In recent months, Apache.be has spoken with the party chairmen of the liberal party Open VLD, the Christian democratic party CD&V, the socialist party Sp.a and the green party Groen and with various media specialists and communication staff of those parties.