
The environment as such is full of data. This training was set out to introduce the users to environmental data-driven journalism. We discussed broadly how data can be used to write about the environment. Speakers included Ornaldo Gjergji and Matteo Moretti, environmental data experts. 

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Journalismfund Europe launches a series of webinars to support journalists as they begin their journeys into data journalism, This training was led by two veteran data journalists demonstrating how to think using different data tools and diving deeper into the visualisation aspect, Helena Bengtsson and Amanda Cox. 

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An important training need already identified for this webinar is security, both digital and physical. For investigative journalists and CSOs to do their work and expose cases of human trafficking and abuse, they need to be able to conduct their work in a safe, enabling environment. Speakers included Annie Kelly and Ian Urbina. 

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Interviewing a person who has been a victim of human trafficking raises several ethical questions regarding the sensitivity of the topic and the traumatic history of each survivor. This webinar provided tips for interviewing survivors of human trafficking, forced labour, and sexual exploitation. 

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BRUSSELS - Understand the global context to shape your local environmental story and how to link your story to the global climate change challenges.

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This webinar discussed the role of journalists and other media representatives in raising awareness about human trafficking, a major focus was put on the cooperation of NGOs and (investigative) journalists; the expectations of both for such partnerships and recommendations for more efficient partnerships, respecting the independence of journalists. 

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This webinar discussed ethical guidelines for journalists when reporting on victims and survivors of human trafficking, sexual exploitation, and labor abuse.

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This webinar provided tips on how to dig into human trafficking, sex exploitation and labour abuse, and discussed the best ways to cooperate with civil society groups that offer protection to victims of trafficking and slavery. Speakers include Martha Mendoza and Roli Srivastava.

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