DANUBE - Romania and Ukraine share a very important river — the Danube. As a transport artery, one of the mouths of the Danube started to be used at the beginning of the war for export.
Environmentalists say the use of the river as a transport artery could potentially destroy coastal ecosystems. The area where ships are currently sailing is part of the Danube Biosphere Reserve, included in the cross-border (Romania + Ukraine) UNESCO Biosphere Reserve "Danube Delta."
Environmentalists warn that such use of the river is harming its ecosystems — which is why trade through this mouth was not allowed before 2022. In 2022, the situation changed, and other needs took priority. Currently, it is not possible to check the state of the river in the reserve, as access is limited even for scientists. However, it is crucial to investigate how the use of this mouth affects the ecosystem and how the shoreline is changing. As journalists, the team can analyse satellite images, talk to scientists, and speak with people working at the reserve to find out what is happening there. Additionally, they need to confirm the presence of ships and determine their number (the team's environmental reporter has experience with such investigations and knows how to proceed).
This will be the investigative part of our collaboration — the investigation of the problem.
Combining investigative journalism with solutions journalism, the team looked at the possible solutions of preservation of ecosystems damaged by transportation channels or otherwise. They envisioned finding expertise and analysed successful cases of river, riverbank, and coastal ecosystem restoration. They would identify solutions implemented to protect and restore other rivers that could be applicable to the Danube.
Photo by Ioana Cîrlig
- În România și Ucraina, Delta Dunării e rănită. Ce putem face ca s-o vindecăm?, Scena9, 10/09/2024. (Romania)
- In Romania and Ukraine, the Danube Delta Is Hurting. Can We Do Anything to Heal It?, Scena9, 26/09/2024.
- Caught in the current: navigating war impact on the Danube delta (and why this should concern you), Rubryka, 27/09/2024.
- Захоплені течією: як війна впливає на дельту Дунаю (і чому це стосується вас), Rubryka, 27/09/2024. (Ukrainian)
- Romania
- Ukraine
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